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Tippy Toes 3 Activity Book
Tippy Toes 3 Activity Book

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Tippy Toes 3 Activity Book

Vendido por Sanborns

$500 MXN

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Tippy Toes is a new and exciting preschool series for very young children who are learning English as a second language. Tippy Toes offers an innovative approach that teaches English as a second language while at the same time helping students to develop six domains that represent crucial areas of learning and development for young children Personal and Social Development, Language and Literacy, Mathematics, Knowing About the World and the Environment, Artistic Development, and Health Development. contains fun, age-appropriate activities that help children assimilate vocabulary, grammar structures, and concepts. incorporates a literacy component that develops vocabulary and pronunciation skills, models natural language, links written language to spoken language, and develops cognitive skills through original and traditional stories. provides flexibility by including core activities as well as extension activities. includes a class project, a section on social values, and a language review in every unit. develops a phonics program that teaches children basic letter-sound relationships in a fun and practical manner.

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