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Fast Food Nation- The Truth Behind + Cd
Fast Food Nation- The Truth Behind + Cd

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Fast Food Nation- The Truth Behind + Cd

Vendido por Sanborns

$190 MXN

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The machine´s the boss now. We´re all just part of the machine. When it´s funished with you, it uses someone else&rdquo In a border town in Mexico, a group Mexicans begin a dangerous journey across the US-Mexico border in search of a better life&hellip Don starts a new job as a marketing manager for Mickey´s a group of fast food restaurants. Will he find out the truth behind the burgers&hellip? And Amber, a high school student, starts to ask serious questions about her part-time job at Mickey´s. Maybe the burgers don´t taste so good after all&hellip With Fact Files on Fast Food Nation from book to film&rdquo, the illegals&rdquo, and a short history of fast food.

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